Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš. |
[enska] |
monetary penalty
[dęmi] Monetary penalties only may be imposed with respect to violations of national laws and regulations or applicable international rules and standards for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution of the marine environment, committed by foreign vessels beyond the territorial sea.
[ķslenska] |
[sérsviš] hafréttur¦v
[dęmi] Ašeins mį leggja fjįrsektir viš brotum sem erlend skip fremja utan landhelginnar į lögum og reglum einstakra landa eša višeigandi alžjóšlegum reglum og stöšlum til aš koma ķ veg fyrir, draga śr og hafa eftirlit meš mengun hafrżmisins.
[danska] |
[franska] |
peine pécuniaire