Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

Um oršabankann
Hafšu samband

Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš.
Śr oršasafninu Sjįvarśtvegsmįl (PISCES)    
[ķslenska] flatfiskur
[sh.] plattfiskur
[enska] flatfish
[dęmi] The main groundfish species processed in Iceland are Atlantic cod, ocean perch saithe, haddock and Greenland halibut, with smaller quantities of various flatfish such as halibut, plaice, dab and witch and species such as ocean catfish, tusk, ling and blue ling.
[danska] fladfisk
[franska] poisson plat
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