Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

Um oršabankann
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Śr oršasafninu Sjįvarśtvegsmįl (PISCES)    
[danska] bundsat garn
[sh.] forankret garn
[sh.] sęttegarn
[skilgr.] Ath: "Sęttegarn" er gammelt og bruges nęsten ikke mere., Garn, der anbringes forankret på havbunden og anvendes til fiskeri efter bundfisk som torsk og fladfisk.
[enska] bottom set gillnet
[skilgr.] Net fixed to the bottom, or at a certain distance above it, by means of anchors or ballast sufficiently heavy to neutralize the buoyancy of the floats., , Gill Nets are the most efficient method of catching a specific species of fish at a specific time of the species growth cycle. , , The mesh size allows the fish to nose into the net up to its dorsal fin. When the fish realizes that it can not naturally poke through the net, it attempts to back out. The gill net is an extremely light thread, and slides under the fish's gills when it attempts to back out, effectively trapping it until removed. The mesh size is specifically designed for the body, gill and fin ratio. All fish smaller than the target species will be able to poke through the net, while all larger species will not be able to become ensnared.
[ķslenska] lagnet

[sérsviš] veišarfęri¦v
[franska] filet maillant de fond
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