Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

Um oršabankann
Hafšu samband

Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš.
Śr oršasafninu Sjįvarśtvegsmįl (PISCES)    
[danska] Kommissionen for Kontinentalsoklens Gręnser
[enska] Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
[dęmi] In accordance with the provisions of article 76, a Commission on the Continental Shelf beyond 200 nautical miles shall be established.
[franska] Commission des limites du plateau continental
[ķslenska] nefnd um mörk landgrunnsins

[sérsviš] hafréttur¦v
[dęmi] Samkvęmt įkvęšum 76. gr. skal skipa nefnd um mörk landgrunnsins utan 200 sjómķlna.
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