Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

Um oršabankann
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Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš.
Śr oršasafninu Sjįvarśtvegsmįl (PISCES)    
[spęnska] el ecosistema
[franska] le écosystčme
[ķslenska] vistkerfi
[dęmi] ...meta įhrif veiša, annarrar starfsemi manna og umhverfisžįtta į sóknarstofna og į tegundir er tilheyra sama vistkerfi eša eru tengdar eša hįšar žeim; ...og gera įętlanir sem naušsynlegar eru til aš tryggja verndun žessara tegunda og vernda vistkerfi sem ber sérstaklega aš huga aš.
[enska] ecosystem
[sh.] habitats
[dęmi] ...assess the impacts of fishing, other human activities and environmental factors on target stocks and species belonging to the same ecosystem or associated with or dependent upon the target stocks; ...and adopt plans which are necessary to ensure the conservation of such species and to protect habitats of special concern.
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