Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

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Śr oršasafninu Sjįvarśtvegsmįl (PISCES)    
[ķslenska] deilistofn
[enska] straddling stock
[dęmi] Without prejudice to the sovereign rights of coastal States for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the living marine resources within areas of national jurisdiction as provided for in the Convention, and the right of all States for their nationals to engage in fishing on the High seas in accordance with the Convention: a) with respect to straddling fish stocks, the relevant coastal States and the States whose nationals fish for such stocks in the adjacent hight seas area shall seek, either directly or through the appropriate mechanisms for cooperation provided for in Part II, to agree upon the measures necessary for the conservation of these stocks in the adjacent high seas areas;
[spęnska] las poblaciones de peces transzonales
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