Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

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Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš.
Śr oršasafninu Cedefop, oršaskrį um evrópska menntastefnu    
[enska] first stage of tertiary education , ISCED 5
[skilgr.] This level includes tertiary programmes with: (a) academic orientation (type A) which are largely theoretical; (b) occupation orientation (type B) usually shorter than type A and geared for entry to the labour market. Type A programmes provide access to advanced research studies and professions with high skill requirements. Type B programmes prepare students for direct entry into a specific occupation. Entry to ISCED level 5 normally requires successful completion of ISCED levels 3 or 4.
[aths.] Level 5 A programmes with academic orientation are typically outside the scope of VET.
[s.e.] post-secondary education
[ķslenska] hįskólastig , ISCED 5
[skilgr.] Žetta stig nęr til nįmsleiša ķ hįskóla meš:
(a) akademķsk markmiš (gerš A) sem eru ašallega fręšileg;
(b) fagleg markmiš (gerš B) sem yfirleitt eru styttri en gerš A og mišast viš störf į vinnumarkaši.
Nįmsleišir af A-gerš veita ašgang aš įframhaldandi rannsóknarnįmi og fagstéttum sem gera kröfur til mikillar leikni. Nįmsleišir af B-gerš bśa nemendur beinlķnis undir įkvešnar starfsstéttir.
Ašgangur aš 5. žrepi ISCED krefst yfirleitt aš 3. eša 4. žrepum ISCED hafi veriš lokiš meš višunandi įrangri.
[aths.] Nįmsleišir hįskólastigs (5A) meš akademķsk markmiš eru aš jafnaši utan svišs VET.
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