Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

Um oršabankann
Hafšu samband

Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš.
Śr oršasafninu Cedefop, oršaskrį um evrópska menntastefnu    
[ķslenska] višmiš
[sh.] stašall
[skilgr.] Röš undirstöšuatriša sem skilgreind eru af hlutašeigandi ašilum.
[aths.] Hęgt er aš greina į mill nokkurra stašlagerša:
- Fęrnivišmiš vķsa til žekkingar, leikni og/eša fęrni sem tengjast starfshįttum;
- Menntunarvišmiš vķsa til gagna um nįmsmarkmiš, inntak nįmskrįa, inngönguskilyrši og ennfremur žeirra fjįrmuna sem naušsynlegir eru til aš fullnęgja nįmsmarkmišum;
- Starfsvišmiš vķsa til gagna um žį starfsemi og žau verk sem tengjast įkvešnu starfi og starfshįttum;
- Matsvišmiš vķsa til gagna um žann lęrdóm sem meta į og žį ašferšafręši sem notuš er;
- Stašfestingarvišmiš vķsa til gagna um hvaša įrangri žarf aš nį og žį ašferšafręši sem notuš er;
- Vottunarvišmiš vķsa til gagna um višeigandi reglur til aš fį skķrteini eša nįmstitil og jafnframt žau réttindi sem slķkt veitir.
Mismunandi er eftir kerfum hvort žessi višmiš eru skilgreind hvert fyrir sig eša eru hluti af sama skjali.
[enska] standard
[skilgr.] A series of elements whose content is defined by concerned actors.
[aths.] One can distinguish between several types of standards:
– competence standard refers to the knowledge, skills and/or competences linked to the practice of a job;
– educational standard refers to the statements of learning objectives, content of curricula, entry requirements as well as resources required to meet the learning objectives;
– occupational standard refers to the statements of the activities and tasks related to a specific job and to its practice;
– assessment standard refers to the statements of the learning outcomes to be assessed and the methodology used;
– validation standard refers to the statements of the level of achievement to be reached by the person assessed, and the methodology used;
– certification standard refers to the statements of the rules applicable for obtaining a certificate or diploma as well as the rights conferred. According to the system, these standards can be defined separately or be part of one document.
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