Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

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Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš.
Śr oršasafninu Cedefop, oršaskrį um evrópska menntastefnu    
[enska] unit , ECVET
[skilgr.] A set of knowledge, skills, and/or competences which constitute a coherent part of a qualification. A unit can be the smallest part of a qualification that can be assessed, transferred, validated and, possibly, certified. A unit can be specific to a single qualification or common to several qualifications.
[skżr.] Comment: the characteristics of units (content, size, total number of units composing a qualification, etc.) are defined by the competent body responsible for the qualification at the appropriate level. The definition and description of units can vary according to the qualifications system and the procedures of the competent body. However, the ECVET system proposes to provide for every unit:
– the generic title of the unit;
– the knowledge, skills and competence which are contained in a unit;
– the criteria for assessment of the corresponding learning outcomes.
[s.e.] European credit system for vocational education and training, European qualification framework for lifelong learning
[ķslenska] nįmsįfangi
[skilgr.] Įkvešin samsetning žekkingar, leikni og/eša fęrni sem myndar heildstęšan hluta hęfis. Įfangi getur veriš smęsti lišur hęfis sem hęgt er aš meta, flytja, stašfesta og jafnvel votta. Įfangi getur takmarkast viš įkvešiš hęfi eša veriš algengur ķ margs konar hęfi.
[skżr.] Einkenni įfanga (inntak, stęrš,heildarfjöldi įfanga sem mynda hęfi, o.s.frv.) eru skilgreind af višurkenndum ašilum sem bera įbyrgš į hęfi į viškomandi sviši. Skilgreining og lżsing įfanga getur veriš breytileg eftir žvķ hvaša hęfiskerfi um er aš ręša og starfshįttum viškomandi ašila. Öllum įföngum ķ ECVET-kerfinu fylgir žó:
- almennt heiti įfangans;
- sś žekking, leikni og fęrni sem felst ķ įganganum;
- žeir męlikvaršar sem beitt er viš mat į samsvarandi lęrdómi.
Aftur ķ leitarnišurstöšur
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