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[enska] learning stories no.
[skilgr.] Learning stories are narrative observations in everyday settings and are designed to provide a cumulative series of qualitative “snapshots” or written vignettes of individual children.
[skýr.] Learning Stories are documents that are used by carers and educators in childcare settings. They use a story-telling format instead of a traditional ‘observation’ report to document the different ways that young children learn, and capture the moment in greater detail and provide parents with a greater insight into the events that occur in their child’s time in childcare. They include: Story of the child’s progress; Pictures of the experiences (optional); The child’s strengths, interests and needs; Space for parent feedback.
[íslenska] námssögur kv.
[skilgr.] Frásagnir af námi og þroska barna byggðar á athugunum í daglegu umhverfi í leikskóla og ætlað að búa til sívaxandi safn raunsannra svipmynda eða lýsandi frásagna af hverju einstöku barni. Lýst er m.a. þróun, styrkleikum og áhuga.
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