Oršabanki ķslenskrar mįlstöšvar

Um oršabankann
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Hér er aš finna allar skrįšar upplżsingar um hugtakiš.
Śr oršasafninu Sjįvarśtvegsmįl (PISCES)    
[enska] monitoring programme
[dęmi] 13 "The Commission shall make recommendations to the Council regarding the establishment of a monitoring programme to observe, measure, evaluate and analyse, by recognized scientific methods, on a regular basis, the risks or effects of pollution of the marine environment resulting from activities in the Area, (and) ensure that existing regulations are adequate and are complied with." The Commission shall make recommendations to the Council regarding the establishment of a monitoring programme to observe, measure, evaluate and analyse, by recognized scientific methods, on a regular basis, the risks or effects of pollution of the marine environment resulting from activities in the Area...
[ķslenska] eftirlitsįętlun

[sérsviš] hafréttur¦v
[dęmi] Nefndin skal gera tillögu til rįšsins um gerš eftirlitsįętlunar til aš fylgjast meš, męla, meta og skżra reglulega meš višurkenndum vķsindalegum ašferšum hęttur eša įhrif mengunar hafrżmisins af völdum starfsemi į svęšinu...
[danska] kontrolplan
[franska] programme de surveillance
Aftur ķ leitarnišurstöšur
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